Set Books Free

Your child CAN learn to read, with the power of music

The books in this collection introduce your child to how video reading works. It begins with sight words, but only one, perhaps two per story--perfect for those just starting. Each focus on bright colors, engaging stores, and an original musical score.


Click on the book of your choice. Once you have purchased it, the online version will be unlocked, enabling you to have access to all the steps you need!

Begin with the first step, which is narrated. Have them repeat this as many times as they need. They are ready to move on when they begin reciting it.

Your child is now ready to move on to the second step! It will no longer be narrated, but the child doesn’t need it–this patent-pending program utilizes music to trigger memory, enabling the child to recall the sight words they’ve learned. For extra fun, each book comes with a downloadable sight words worksheet.

Click on the book of your choice.

Nursery Rhymes


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